Be a counselor
Our counselors at the Lions Youth Diabetes Camp stay with the campers around the clock throughout the week.
Counselor duties include supervising campers, leading activities, monitoring blood glucose levels, and making camp FUN! All counselors must be at least 18 years of age. Submission of an application is not a guarantee of acceptance. Once your application is accepted, you will be contacted with information regarding next steps.
In addition to counselors, we are in need of a few counselors-in-training (CIT’s). CIT’s must be 16 or 17 years old at the time of camp, must have Type 1 Diabetes, and must have attended at least one session at a diabetes camp. Due to limitations in camp availability for the past few years, we will consider accepting CIT’s with camp experience either at Camp McCumber or at another youth diabetes camp. CIT duties are similar to counselor duties, but are performed under the supervision of an adult counselor. We have a limited number of CIT spots available, so submission of an application is not a guarantee of acceptance.
All CIT’s who are selected will be required to complete a standard Camper Application in addition to the CIT application, and their diabetes will be monitored by medical staff throughout the week of camp.
You may submit your counselor or CIT application by mail or Email to Past District Governor Maggie Robeson:
Click Here To Email Maggie Robeson
Mail Application to: Lions Health Foundation attn: Lion PDG Maggie Robeson 3733 North Highway 3 Etna, CA 96027